Exploring the Music of Argentine Tango: A Workshop at the Queen City Tango Marathon

Don Xello, the esteemed founder and CEO of TangoTunes, will be conducting this workshop as part of the QCM Marathon taking place in Charlotte, NC, USA.

Each workshop participant will receive a store credit of €100 at TangoTunes. This credit can be used to purchase high-quality shellac transfers of Tango music.

During the workshop, we will explore the intricacies of Argentine Tango music from three distinct perspectives.

  1. Cultural Historical Overview (Duration: 60 min): Dive into the rich history of Argentine Tango music, tracing its evolution, the pioneers behind it, original instruments, and its journey through time. Discover how this art form emerged from challenging circumstances, reflecting the hopes and struggles of its creators, ultimately becoming the beloved genre we cherish today.

  2. TangoTunes Perspective (Duration: 30 min): Uncover the fascinating journey of TangoTunes as we reveal the intricate process of acquiring music collections, from fragile shellac recordings to the creation of downloadable audio files. Explore the complexities of preserving historical Tango music and the challenges posed by evolving music consumption methods.

  3. TJ's Perspective (Duration: 60 min): Delve into the world of Tango DJing (TJing) and explore guidelines for orchestrating a Milonga, along with the skills and tools necessary for a successful event. Active TJs are encouraged to bring their laptops for practical demonstrations and insights into music pitch and equalizer adjustments during a Milonga.

€ 150.00

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Date Jan 14, 2024
Time 1-3:30pm (150min)